The position of the SAS brand, as the producers of zip fasteners, has been created on the market since the 1970s. The many years of experience, highly skilled personnel, passion of the owners, and reliable resource suppliers all contribute to the success of our products on the Polish and international markets. Simple and transparent method of the company organisation allows us to react rapidly for changes on the zipper market by adjusting the production profile to new and increasing demands of our recipients.
We manufacture regular zip fasteners, however, we also create unique, tailor-made solutions to meet our customers’ needs. These efforts are undertaken by the Development Department where devices for tailor-made zip fastener production are designed and constructed to provide unique solutions and high effectiveness with the highest possible quality. The quality is proven also by annual check-ups and tests of our product range carried out in external certification institutions such as TUV and INTERTEK. Moreover, the product quality is regularly monitored by the Product Quality Department on the basis of the Polish sector standards, the German DIN Standards, and the British BD Standards.
Such activities allow us to obtain products of the quality, not different from the quality offered by the market leaders, while keeping the reasonable price level.
Copyright © 2013 SAS. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Realizacja M.Buława