SAS Sp.J. Sabela & Pęciak continues the activity of Fabryka Zamków Błyskawicznych SAS Stanisław Sabela and Company, developed by Stanisław Sabela from his sole proprietorship working in the area of plastic processing since 1979. After several years of zip-fastener production and abandonment of plastic processing there was a coming back to the roots. In 1993 after the purchase of CFZB „Zampol” and its tool department our company has begun
providing services of injection mould production, and as a consequence plastic processing and moulding elements from ZnAl, the zinc alloy.
Our role is not limited to the design of elements and moulds. We provide you assistance in finding complex solutions for problems connected with new product launching; we sometimes even suggest replacement of existing solutions with new, innovative and effective ones.
We offer products made of the following plastics: e.g. PP, PA, PC, PO and ZnAl.
We produce elements based on our own and provided moulds.
We design and produce elements for various groups of customers. The examples of our products:
We also offer:
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